illustrator | designer

here is a selection of my comic/ zine work from 2021-2024  ^-^

1. ode to gruel. hand-inked riso triptych folio zine dedicated to plain-looking yet hearty meals.

2. a guide to multiplayer bike-riding. riso zine about the many ways to ride a bike with a friend.

3. image-making. b&w comic zine about how I developed my illustration process and style.

4. knock knock. riso one-page zine about the why you should always be on time or your secrets will be exposed.

5. all that we cannot be. b&w comic about lost relationships.

6. cookbook. riso anthology collecting food illustrations and recipes from various cultures (contributer)

7. tangerine. comic zine about two friends sharing an afternoon snack. 

© Jiayin Lu 2025